“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~


“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~
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The best part of sports works is that they allow you to enjoy “youth, friendship, and growth.'' The essential essence of this is the existence of “rivals.”

Among the many rivalries depicted in “The Prince of Tennis,” the two students who are impressively depicted as rivals within Seigaku are the second-year students.Takeshi MomoshiroandKaoru Kaidois.

Just as Momoshiro and Kaido worked hard as the only second-year regulars in the series, Momoshiro was played as a member of the Seigaku cast in the 4th season of the musical “The Prince of Tennis.''Shun Takarazukaplayed KaidoYumasa IwasakiWe have also passed through the past three and a half years while being inspired by each other's presence.

The 4th season of the musical “The Prince of Tennis” was performed in March 2024. The two, who finished the final performance of the 4th season of “Tenimyu” at Seigaku vs. Rikkai, are currently together with their friends.Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~ (commonly known as Dorirai)We are currently rehearsing for the .

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo…Click here for images >>

From left: Shun Hojuzan (Takeshi Momoshiro), Yuga Iwasaki (Kaoru Kaido)

The musical “The Prince of Tennis'' started in 2003 based on the original story by Tsuyoshi Konbi. After appearing in the musical “New Prince of Tennis'' series that started in 2020, Takarazuka will continue to appear as a member of the Seigaku cast in the 4th season of “Tenimyu'' starting in 2021. Mr. Iwasaki joined the company as a cast member for the 4th season of “Tenimyu'' Seigaku.

In this conversation, we asked Takarazuka and Iwasaki, who played Momo-chan and Viper, who symbolize rivals in the same grade at Seigaku, to look back on the past three and a half years. We will talk about the changes that have occurred since the two met, which they say is “like yin and yang,” their memories of the doubles they played twice in the film, their current state of mind ahead of the rehearsal, their favorite songs, and more.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

It's different for 3rd year students and 1st year students. The two of them discovered the “way of being a second year student”

–Looking back on your past, as a second-year student at Seigaku, what do you value most in rehearsals and performances?

Yuga Iwasaki (hereinafter referred to as Iwasaki):
Our characters are in the middle of the cast, being in second year of junior high school, but the cast members themselves are not in the middle in terms of age. So, in the beginning, I was worried about what kind of feeling I should have.

But naturally, Shun (Takarajuzan) told everyone, “Let's do this,'' or “Let's match,'' and I, on the other hand, started taking a step back, looking at everyone, and talking to them personally. . I think we naturally developed our own way of being in the rehearsal room.

Mt. Tahoju Shun (hereinafter referred to as Mt. Tahoju):
It's true that when it comes to “as a second-year student,'' the third-year cast members were pretty much determined to be “this person for singing'' and “this person for dancing'', and we had that person teach us. hey. Teru Imaki, who plays Ryoma Echizen, can do anything, so if the first-year trio was having trouble during rehearsals, there were times when we second-years would call out to him.

Even in real life, when you see first-year students in club activities, it's not third-year students, but second-year students. So as a second year student, I felt like I had to watch the first year students, and I was really concerned about the trio.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

So that we can understand each other without saying a word! ?Growth and evolution experienced in doubles twice

–Looking back at the performance, there were two doubles matches between Momoshiro and Kaido. Please tell us about the changes in how you perceive the roles you have played for a long time, as well as how your feelings toward each other changed when you formed a doubles team.

During the St. Rudolph Yamabuki performance, I felt like I was just thinking, “I don't want to lose to Momo (Castle)'' and “I don't want to play doubles with this guy.'' However, at the Rikka performance, I talked to Momo first and planned a strategy before going into the match. In that respect, I think there are areas where Kaido is growing. We always fight, but you can definitely see that we're rivals. So I feel like the fact that I watch Momoshiro the most, know him the best, and trust him is a big change compared to the doubles at the St. Rudolph/Yamabuki performance.

――What do you think about the change in the way you perceive your role?

At the time of the Fudomine performance, I had a very strong image of being “scared all the time,'' and I always felt that I needed to stay true to that, but as I continued to perform, I learned that I was scared of ghosts, that I liked cats, and that I had the impression that I was “just being scared.'' I was able to learn a lot about him as a second-year junior high school student. I started to think that it's okay to let go of things when I need to relax, and that I wish I could create gaps in each performance.

――Mr. Takarazuka also appeared as Momoshiro in “New Tenimyu”. Was it difficult to play Momoshiro in the 4th season of “Tenimyu” and “New Tenimyu” in different timelines? ?

Mt. Baozhu:
When I was working on “New Tenimyu,'' I thought to myself, “What I'm making right now is the greatest,'' and in the 4th season of “Tenimyu,'' I thought, “What should I do to get there?'' That's what I was thinking.


Mt. Baozhu:
So, at the beginning of the 4th season of Tenimyu, I was active as a mood maker for Seigaku, and I really wanted to win the match, but it was a little different from being so aggressive. What would you say?

When I first met Echizen, I was a bit cocky, like, “Oh, you're a first year student?''

Recognize. I know, but I wonder what he's going to say.

Mt. Baozhu:
There's even a word called “chuunibyou,” so I guess it has something to do with being a “second year middle schooler.” However, as the performances continued, I started to think, “If we lose here, we won't be able to play with those third-year students again,'' and “We won't be able to be on the same team.'' “If I lose, I won't be able to go to the nationals, so in order to play tennis with my seniors for a long time, I want to win the Rokkaku tournament and play as many matches as possible with my seniors.'' I think this enthusiasm is something that has changed within Momoshiro. I think so.

–What do you think of the changes in doubles with Kaido?

Mt. Baozhu:
In the beginning, I was creating feelings within myself, like, “Kaidou, please do this more.'' But on the other hand, you can understand the doubles at the Rikkai performance without feeling anything.

That's right.

Mt. Baozhu:
During the match, there was a scene where I became a bit of an “old man,” and in that scene, I said, “Kaidou is going to be in trouble if he continues like this. But instead of me helping him, he'll have to crawl out himself.” , Momoshiro asked Kaido himself what he should do to get him to crawl up to him, saying things like, “If you're going that way, I'll go this way,'' and he was able to act with real eye contact.

–That's a huge change!

Mt. Baozhu:
It's a huge change. On the other hand, the St. Rudolph Yamabuki performance was easier.

That's right. There was more talk at the St. Rudolph Yamabuki performance.

Mt. Baozhu:
oh yeah.

At the Rikka performance, we didn't really talk while creating the doubles.

Mt. Baozhu:
We talked to the Rikkai members who were competing against us, saying things like, “Let's do this here,'' but we ourselves hardly spoke.

I agree.

Mt. Baozhu:
It's like, “Okay, okay.” Even during the game, I was like, “If you're going to go over here to get the ball, then I'll hit the snake behind you.Okay, okay, okay.'' Now that I think about it, we are surprisingly compatible, myself included.

That's right. Because we have something that the other doesn't have. It's not yin and yang though.

Mt. Baozhu:
That's right. So… (in a serious tone after thinking a lot) I'm glad it was so relaxing.

…Suddenly (lol).

Mt. Baozhu:
No, really. It was nice and easy.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

Sometimes even jealousy! The trajectory of two people who have been “rivals forever”

–You mentioned that you both have things that the other doesn't have now, but in terms of your impressions of each other, what changes have you made since the beginning?

The first time I recognized Shun was during the audition for “Tenimyu,'' and he was wearing a purple jersey set-up (lol). I'm nervous, so I was always in this pose (looking down and concentrating).

Mt. Baozhu:
I was nervous too.

Liar (lol).

Mt. Baozhu:
I was doing it.

…I had the impression that some people were kind of noisy, and I thought, “Maybe they're cheerful people who don't fit in with me.'' Then, I was there when I met everyone at Seigaku for the first time, and I was also playing the role of Momoshiro. At first, I thought, “Wow, seriously, I wonder if it's okay?” and thought that he was the complete opposite of me. However, as I continued to practice, I realized that he was probably the most serious person, and he couldn't get enough of it unless he did it properly.

Mt. Baozhu:

Even in the dance, Shun would sometimes match even the smallest angles. I think it's surprisingly solid in that respect.

Mt. Baozhu:
It's surprisingly delicate.

Yes, that's true. I tend to be quite a bit off-handed, so I always practiced with him, thinking that I had to learn from him. …This is kind of embarrassing (lol).

Mt. Baozhu:
Yeah. At first, Yuga thought, “Wow, she's such a quiet girl.'' I didn't know how to talk to her because she wasn't the type of person I had interacted with much, but gradually I realized that she would talk to Yuga normally, and she didn't get too angry. There isn't. I've hardly ever seen her irritated, but she gets so passionate during the play that I thought she had something amazing inside of her, and both Momoshiro and myself wanted to lose gracefully. do not have. We really feel like we're rivals.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

–Please tell us about your most memorable or favorite scenes from each other's plays.

It's the match between Sengoku and Momoshiro at the St. Rudolph Yamabuki performance. It was cool to see that both of them didn't want to lose, and Sengoku went into the match knowing that he was very strong, but seeing Momoshiro keep going, Kaido was very excited. And for myself, I thought, “Wow, they've surpassed me.'' It was in that match that I felt the same way as Kaido, so it left a very strong impression on me.

Mt. Baozhu:
Next, what is my impression of Yuga?

Is there anything?

Mt. Baozhu:
There are a lot of them. At the Fudomine performance, he pushed through with his tenacity, and at the Hyotei performance, when he played doubles with Inui-senpai, I thought, “How can this guy play doubles?'' (laughs)

I see.

Mt. Baozhu:
After all, what left an impression on me was when (Kaidou) evolved. At the Rokkaku performance, he had the tenacity to stand up while bleeding, and the line, “I'm going to beat you with my tennis.'' The expression on Yuga's face at that moment was really nice to watch from the bench, and I felt comfortable saying the line, “I don't want to play tennis with you, I don't want to play tennis with you.''

I really like that!

Mt. Baozhu:
At the Rikka performance, when I thought, “Even after coming here, we're still evolving,'' Momo-chan and I both felt a kind of jealousy, thinking, “Why are these guys always evolving first?'' . However, to overturn that, Momoshiro flew high one more time, somehow gaining more power each time. Really already! There are a lot!

I'm happy.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

“Tenimyu” is “life’s treasure” and “second youth”

–I'm sure you've sung a lot of songs so far, but what are your favorite songs and favorite phrases?

There are many songs, but the first one is “Tabi wa Michitori Sei wa Jyoe'', which I sang when I played doubles with Inui at the Hyotei performance. It's a song about how each other is using the other, and even after the performance, Ichigo (Shioda), who plays Inui, and I stood back to back, and all of a sudden we were chanting, “Du du du dun du du du du du dun dun.” It's become one of the two of us' favorite songs, so much so that we even sing the intro, “Doon♪”.

The other song is Rokkaku Performance's “Gum Shara Enjoy~Ketssen ver.~”. This song was sung by everyone during the singles match between Kaido and Kentaro Aoi, and I love it so much that just by listening to it I can vividly remember the excitement of that time. I think everyone at Seigaku watched our match and sang with various feelings. I watched each player's expressions while playing the match, and it left a very strong impression on me, as I remembered things like, “That's what that person looked like.''

Mt. Baozhu:
When it comes to songs that make me feel good, it's songs related to Yamabuki. There are a lot of acrobatics, so it's refreshing to watch, and Sengoku sings “lucky lucky” in the song, so just listening to it makes me feel like I'll be lucky, so I like it.

The song I sang is “From Rival'' at the Rikka performance. There is a phrase that goes, “He won't be able to catch up to those guys unless he crawls here.'' I really like this phrase because it makes me feel like I should do my best to catch up with my seniors, including Director Tezuka. is. It makes me feel the most excited and makes me want to work hard again.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

–Once again, what does “Tenimyu” mean to you both? What kind of existence is Seigaku?

I am who I am today because of “Tenimyu,'' and I think that the past three and a half years will be a period that I will never forget, so to put it in one word, it is “the treasure of my life.''

Mt. Baozhu:
“Tenimyu'' is “second youth.'' We all worked towards one thing, we all worked hard, practiced, and ate with the feeling that we didn't want to lose to other schools. I've always played basketball in a club, but the past three and a half years have been just as intense.

–What do you think about Seigaku?

Seigaku can be summed up in one word: “family.'' We know each other in many ways, so if I have a problem, I think I can talk to someone at Seigaku. I don't think it's very often that you show a side of yourself that you don't usually show to people outside of your family, so I think that Seigaku is a family again.

Mt. Baozhu:
I think everyone has said this in roundtable discussions with other grades, but I also think that Seigaku is a “family.'' We are family, and I want to be friends forever. The same goes for me, and if someone at Seigaku gets frustrated or hits a wall, I want everyone to help each other out. We are really good friends, so I would like to be friends with whom I can discuss matters without having to deal with them all by myself.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

A rehearsal practice room where you can relive memories with other schools. Experience the “bonds of tennis”

――I would like to ask you about Dorilai. Everyone at Seigaku will graduate from the 4th season of “Tenimyu” with this rehearsal, but how is the atmosphere of rehearsals?

The practice halls have the colors of each school; Yamabuki Junior High and Rokkaku Junior High are bright, and Hyotei is cool compared to the others, and each school has a different atmosphere, which is interesting. Seigaku is the noisiest, probably because they are so close.

Mt. Baozhu:
I agree.

Seigaku plays against all schools once, so I get along well with everyone and have many fond memories. It seems like everyone is looking forward to practicing Dorilai.

–I heard that Seigaku and other schools are on good terms, but what is the atmosphere like between the other schools?

There are many people from other schools who are meeting each other for the first time, so it's interesting to see things like, “This is what it's like to meet for the first time.'' Although we have only just started rehearsals, we are already quite familiar with it, and I think that is another good thing about Tenimyu.

Mt. Baozhu:
There are a lot of people and it's a friendly atmosphere. There was also “Tenimyu Autumn Joint Athletic Meet 2023'', but it was divided into red and white, so when there was a cast that was almost new to each other this time, it was like “this guy is really interesting'', and (the circle of people) connected. I mean. This is the “bond of tennis”. There's actually a lyric that goes, “The bonds of tennis connect,” and I think this is a moment where you can get a glimpse of that.

–Which cast member do you have a particularly strong bond with?

Mt. Baozhu:
TAISEI, who plays Seijun Sengoku, is not shy and speaks cheerfully, and often invites everyone to dinner.

When these two (Hojuzan and TAISEI) are together, it's amazing how “sunny'' it is.

Mt. Baozhu:
That's right (laughs). Even the director says, “If you stick to that part, it won't work.''


Mt. Baozhu:
They talk all their lives, so they say they're two people you shouldn't put together (lol).

For someone like me, the colors are too dark…

Mt. Baozhu:
People say I'm a secretive person, but that's not the case. Yuga is also kind to her juniors. That's why the three members of the 1st year trio love him. The three members of the trio also play around with Yuga a little. The three of them greeted each other with “Ossu” and Yuga responded with “Ossu” and then asked “What now!?” (lol). Everyone really gets along well.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

Dorirai coming soon! “I want to have so much fun that I forget about graduation.”

–I could feel the fun atmosphere! Finally, please tell us about your current state of mind and what you are looking forward to for the upcoming Drillai.

I had a very strong feeling that I was graduating from the 4th season of Tenimyu at the Rikka performance, so instead of saying, “It's the last time, I'll be sad,'' Dorirai said, “I've graduated (from the main performance), but I'm still with everyone. It's a feeling of “I can enjoy it.” However, once the rehearsal starts and I think, “I guess I'll never wear the uniform again,'' I might end up crying again.

Mt. Baozhu:
I left my tears behind on the first day of Rikkai's triumphant return to Tokyo and at the Chiakiraku theater! Dorilai is different from the main performances I've done so far because it's a live show, so it feels different. The Rikkai performance was the one where I really thought it would be the last time, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone enjoy Dorirai and having fun with the audience.

Yes Yes.

Mt. Baozhu:
I want to celebrate my graduation happily and move on to the next one. I'm currently rehearsing for DoriRai, and everyone at other schools doesn't approach me with the mindset of “graduation”, which is nice.


Mt. Baozhu:
If they came with a feeling like, “This is the end,'' we might end up thinking, “Ah…'', but they would treat us cheerfully and say, “See you again!'', so we would too. I want to have so much fun that I forget about graduation.

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

Photography: Ruka Ueno
Written by: Shio Futami
Hair and makeup: Kiyoka Koyama
Stylist: Toshihiro Muradome (Yolken)

Performance overview

Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

Original work: Tsuyoshi Konbi “The Prince of Tennis” (published by Shueisha Jump Comics)
Composition/Direction: Kaoru Miura
Music: Tsuyoshi Sakabe/Yu (vague)
Choreography: Shoji Toyama (Umebo)/YOU
Sponsored by: Tenimu Production Committee


Ryoma Echizen: Teru Imamaki, Kunimitsu Tezuka: Kento Yamada, Shuichiro Oishi: Takakazu Hara, Shusuke Fuji: Yuki Mochida, Sadaharu Inui: Kazuki Shioda, Eiji Kikumaru: Souaki Tomimoto, Kawamura Takashi: Umi Otomo, Momoshiro Takeshi: Takarazuma Shun, Kaido Kaoru: Yuumasa Iwasaki, Horio Satoshi: Ryota, Kato Sena: Totsuka Sena, Mizuno Katsuo: Ichikawa Aihiro

Kippei Tachibana: Manabu Kumazawa, Akira Kamio: Kosuke Maekuma, Shinji Ibu: Naotake Tsuchiya, Tetsu Ishida: Taro Hiiragi, Masaya Sakurai: Yuto Fukasawa, Kyosuke Uchimura: Hayato Kikuchi, Tatsunori Mori: Aomi Rei

Yoshiro Akazawa: Toshi Okumura, Hajime Mizuki: Junpei Mitsui, Shinya Yanagisawa: Yudai Kubo, Atsushi Kisarazu: Seima Midorikawa, Takuya Nomura: Judo Yaesawa, Yuta Fuji: Tsukito Ishihara, Role of Kindaichiro: Reimu Ninomiya
*Yoshiro Akazawa's “luck” means earth and mouth.

Kentaro Minami: Masaru Kuwabara, Seijun Sengoku: TAISEI, Hitoshi Akutsu: Takuya Masunaga, Masami Azuma: Muneji Haizuka, Inayoshi Nitome: Rin Matsubara, Juji Muromachi: Leon Terajima, Kazuma Kita: Uchino Kaedo, Dan Taichi role: Yuki Hashimoto

Keigo Atobe: Reiya Takahashi, Yuji Oshiashi: Ryoyuki Kusachi, Ryo Shishido: Yuji Hiroi, Gakuto Muko: Iori Kotsuji, Jiro Akutagawa: Kazo Yokoyama, Haginosuke Taki: Ryota Nakata , Takahiro Kabaji: Itsuki Kurihara, Chotaro Otori: Riku Akashi, Waka Hiyoshi: Futa Sakayori

Yasuyuki Kira: Haruki Naruse

Kentaro Aoi: Yu Miyawaki, Torajiro Saeki: Arihiro Matsunaga, Harukaze Kuroba: Reine Kirita, Hikaru Amane: Kodai Kurihara, Ryo Kisarazu: Shuno Kishimoto, Satoshi Shuto: Ken Nakajima

Seiichi Yukimura: Kota Shiomi, Genichiro Sanada: Daiya Hayakawa, Renji Yanagi: Mumasa Kajiyama, Masaharu Niou: Arashi Aoi, Hiroshi Yagyu: Seitaro Nakayama, Bunta Marui: Rintaro Shirogane , Seiya Omura as Jackal Kuwabara, Seiya Kimura as Akaya Kirihara

Mamoru Inoue: Takashi Kitashiro, Old Man: Ujisuke, Nanjiro Echizen: Masaki Nakagouchi

■Performance schedule
Hyogo Performance: May 25th (Sat) – May 26th (Sun), 2024 Kobe World Memorial Hall
Tokyo Performance: May 31st (Friday) – June 2nd (Sunday), 2024 Ariake Arena

*Masaki Nakagouchi, who plays Nanjiro Echizen, will appear in Hyogo on May 26th (Sunday) at 12:00/17:00 and in Tokyo on June 2nd (Sunday) at 12:00/17:00.

■Ticket price: 8,000 yen (all seats reserved/tax included)

■Ticket release date: Now on sale

■Ticket handling: E+/Ticket Pia/Lawson Ticket

■Inquiries: Nelke Planning

■Official website

■Tenimu Mobile

■Official X (old Twitter)

Live streaming/archive streaming information

■ Distribution service: U-NEXT

You can purchase each distribution on a pay-as-you-go system without signing up for U-NEXT's monthly plan.
The purchase procedure is different for those who already have a U-NEXT account and those who do not yet have one, so please check the service site below for details on how to purchase.
Purchase method details:https://video.unext.jp/feature/live_giftcord/

■ Live streaming (with missed streaming)
Distribution performance
① May 25, 2024 (Sat) 12:00 Hyogo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
②May 25, 2024 (Sat) 17:00 Hyogo performance[Switching video]
③ June 2, 2024 (Sunday) 12:00 Tokyo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
④Sunday, June 2, 2024 17:00 Tokyo performance[Daisakiraku: Switching video]
①③…Multi-angle distribution format: You can switch between the “main stage” and “center stage” videos while watching.
…With bonus video (you can also watch the same bonus video in archive distribution)
┗Bonus video: We will deliver a 15-minute digest video of the graduation camp by 12 Seigaku Seigaku cast members.
■ Sales price
①③: 2,800 yen each (tax included)
②④: 3,700 yen each (tax included)

■ Sales period (after the live broadcast ends, you can only purchase missed broadcasts)
①Hyogo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
②Hyogo performance[switching video]
┗May 18, 2024 (Sat) 12:00 to June 1, 2024 (Sat) 12:00
③ Tokyo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
④Tokyo Performance[Daisakiraku: Switching Video]
┗May 26, 2024 (Sunday) 12:00 to June 9, 2024 (Sunday) 12:00
■ Viewing period for missed broadcasts (will start as soon as preparations are completed after the live broadcast ends)
①Hyogo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
②Hyogo performance[switching video]
┗~Until 23:59 on Saturday, June 1, 2024
③ Tokyo performance[panoramic video (main stage/center stage)]
④Tokyo Performance[Daisakiraku: Switching Video]
┗~Until 23:59 on Sunday, June 9, 2024
■ Archive distribution
Distribution performance
① May 25, 2024 (Saturday) 12:00 Hyogo performance[panoramic video (main stage)]
②May 25, 2024 (Sat) 12:00 Hyogo performance[panoramic video (center stage)]
③Saturday, May 25, 2024 17:00 Hyogo performance[Switching video]
④ June 2, 2024 (Sunday) 12:00 Tokyo performance[panoramic video (main stage)]
⑤ June 2, 2024 (Sunday) 12:00 Tokyo performance[panoramic video (center stage)]
⑥Sunday, June 2, 2024 17:00 Tokyo performance[Daisakiraku: Switching video]
*①② and ④⑤ are the same contents as each stage video distributed in multiple angles during live distribution.
…With bonus footage (you can watch the same bonus footage as during the live broadcast)
■ Sales price
①②④⑤: 1,400 yen each (tax included)
③⑥: 3,700 yen each (tax included)

■ Sales/distribution period (can be viewed for 7 days from purchase)
① Hyogo performance[panoramic video (main stage)]
② Hyogo performance[panoramic video (center stage)]
③ Hyogo performance[switching video]
┗Thursday, June 13, 2024 12:00 to Thursday, July 4, 2024 23:59
④ Tokyo performance[panoramic video (main stage)]
⑤ Tokyo performance[panoramic video (center stage)]
⑥Tokyo Performance[Daisakiraku: Switching Video]
┗Friday, June 21, 2024 12:00 to Thursday, July 4, 2024 23:59
*After the live broadcast ends, you will only be able to watch the missed broadcast. Please check the delivery schedule and be careful when purchasing.
*Missed broadcast is a service that allows you to watch the live broadcast as many times as you like for a limited time at a later date.
*Please see the service site for detailed viewing devices.

© Tsuyoshi Konbi/Shueisha/Tenimyu Production Committee

“Tenimyu” Momoshiro & Kaido, Seigaku 2nd year rival duo talk “Two people can understand each other without speaking!” Musical “The Prince of Tennis” 4th season Dream Live 2024 ~Memorial Match~

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